There is nothing like having a special place in which to practice your art and a decent garage seems to be the answer!
Following our recent home and business move we now have a garage to call our own and it is the perfect space for housing Monty and his kiln.
Setting up a new work space is exciting but it can also be a tough process with quite a lot of decisions to make. First we had to decide if our garage was the right space to house the kiln and everything that goes with it – firing is an essential part of the manufacture of all our beautiful handmade decorations so the kiln needs a safe home. Is the garage waterproof? How close is it to the studio? Is the space large enough? Does it have ventilation? Power, lighting? Once all these boxes had been ticked, Monty got on with the task of planning the layout in the most efficient way possible, maximising every bit of space.
Finally, after some back-breaking cleaning and installing, we have a safe home for the kiln, a glazing area, lighting, shelving and storage. Firing is a craft in itself, it’s a skilled job and requires a good deal of experimentation and space. Taking our first look inside ‘Monty’s Amazing Garage’ and the results are fab. It also provides Monty a quiet place to sit and drink his coffee in peace….