Easter! Yep!!! That is a funny one here at Roelofs & Rubens headquarters.
In non-pandemic normality we would be very busy putting the final touches on the Christmas collection, ready to be launched at the April BCTF.
And the Easter Products would have been done around Christmas, ready for the January Trade Fairs.
Somehow we let these deadlines slip as Fairs were cancelled and just like our stockists and customers we are taking it one day at the time. That means we are doing Easter at Easter, after Mother’s day and St Patrick’s day.
This weekend we will be roaming in the woods around our house with secateurs to cut some nice branches for the Easter tree. The Easter tree is a Dutch tradition (actually one that started in Germany and then crossed the border) and although it is called a tree, it is more Willow or corkscrew Hazel branches in a sturdy vase, decorated with painted eggs, bunnies, chicks, flowers, butterflies and pretty ribbons.
Of course eggs are very important for a successful Easter celebration, dyed with natural dying ingredients as onion, spinach and beetroot for the rusticos among us or hardboiled and hand painted with funny faces and dots and zigzags and, oh oh oh don’t forget the chocolate ones.
And then there is another Dutch tradition mostly taking place at the Easter breakfast table; the War of the Eggs or ‘Eitje Tikken (loosely translated as Egg TikTok or Egg Bashing)
The idea is to select a hardboiled egg, position that in your hand and then bash it into your opponent’s egg. The person with the egg that doesn’t crack is the winner and goes on to the next round taking on another uncracked egg. Last intact egg standing wins. (And naturally there’s always some joker who sneaks in a raw egg)
There are all kinds of tactics and techniques to ensure (?) victory like making sure just the tip of the egg sticks out of your fist when bashing, supporting your fist with the other hand, coming prepared and have an egg boiled for several hours handy or using scientific data to determine what end of egg to use, tip or bottom. Man, it is brutal!! Egg hunt is a tame affair compared to this.
And on that note we are wishing you an eggcellent and eggciting Easter, and check out our eggsquisite Ceramic Egg hanging decoration for your Easter tree (excuse the eggcessive use of puns).